China economy & China trade: Experts for
your industry!
China chemicals industry
China chemicals are nowadays a good business.
More and more Western companies are moving to China to manufacture
in China chemicals. The China chemical industry is the most
dynamic worldwide. The usage of China chemicals has increased
by 10 % in recent years. Soon rates of more then 25% are expected
in the China chemicals industry.
More Details about
the China chemical industry:
The trend to continue the change of parts
of the chemical industry to China continues.
There are more and more customers for China
chemicals due to the privatization of former
state companies.
80 million Chinese customer who consum
chemical products in China.
Ten times more customers in the future.
There are more and more research cooperation
with highly skilled Chinese scientists of the
China chemicals industry.
China will soon become a research place
for the China chemical industry ( nanotechnology,
biotechnology, gentechnology ).
We support you in the China chemical industry
Development of individual strategies.
Development of a distribution and marketing
net for china chemicals.
Support of customer satisfaction by management
of trademarks and guanxi.
Support by protect the copyright by China
Analysis of the manufacturing process.
Set up of the logistics.
Development of strategies to coordinate
the purchase of needed basic products.
Search for the right location for manufacturing
and research of China chemicals.
Human resources: Headhunting for highly
skilled Chinese chemistry academics.
Consulting for market entry in to the China
chemical industry.
Consulting by purchasing management, screening
and quality check of suppliers.
Establishment of local management for China
Consulting for the right "treatment" of
Chinese government officials.
Company formation and factory formation.
M & A of companies.
Analyse the customer potential.
Business contacts.
And any other services related to " China
Chemicals ".